Monthly Archives: October 2018

3 Common Misconceptions about Eye Health
What to believe? Does reading in dim light really ruin your eyesight? Or what about staring at the computer screen all day. Will looking at the sun cause damage? This week, our blog will debunk fact from fiction. Dim Light Reading in dim light is not harmful and will not ruin your vision. Despite what… Read More

5 Different Ways to Protect your Eye this Fall
For San Franciscans, we know that October is our month! October is when the sun finally comes out and kicks out the fog (Bye Karl!). Then, for the rest of the world, October also means cooler temperatures. In this blog, we’ve provided some helpful tips to keep your eyes safe, whether you reside in SF… Read More

Fleet Week is Here: Remember those Sunglasses
It’s October and it’s Fleet Week. The Blue Angels are back in town. Click for the Blue Angels Flying Schedule (you’re welcome). It’s hard to concentrate when the roaring of jet engines are blasting above your head, so you toss your papers to the ground and head outside. If you can’t ignore the noise, why… Read More

Eye Health and #NationalTacoDay
Free Tacos for All! So, it’s #NationalTacoDay today and you’re wondering where to get tacos for free. Luckily, I did some extensive research and found a list of Taco Day Deals for 2018. And when I say extensive research, what I meant is that typed into the google search box, “National Taco Day Deals”. Here’s… Read More

4 Reasons Halloween and Glasses Do Not Get Along
Why Costumes, Crazy parties, and Glasses Don’t Really Mix… Leaves are changing colors. Oscar hopefuls are coming to theaters. Everyone’s favorite scent, pumpkin spice is in the air and on every shelf. And, at every coffee shop. Football season is already ruining your draft picks. This can only mean one thing: its Fall! And with… Read More