
Cataract Surgery: Are Adjustable IOLs Right for You?
Until now, cataract surgeons have relied on pre-surgery measurements to determine your visual outcome. Traditionally, cataract patients undergo extensive pre-operative tests to determine the prescription of their new intraocular lens (IOL). However there’s a new type of lens that allows our physicians to optimize your vision after cataract surgery. The ability to adjust your lens… Read More

Flu Shot, Covid-19 Booster and Intravitreal Injections: Safe to get them simultaneously?
Flu shots and COVID-19 boosters are now available for millions of Americans. If you are missing either the flu or COVID-19 vaccine or booster shot, it’s actually more convenient to get them both at the same time. The physicians of Pacific Eye Associates mention that there are no safety concerns about getting these vaccines simultaneously… Read More

Achieve the Best Cataract Surgery Recovery
Millions of people each year undergo cataract surgery. Recovery from your cataract procedure is usually pretty smooth. However, we’ve outlined some general guidelines to help you through the healing process. Drs. Danny Lin, Scott So and Karen Oxford provide tips to help you recover from cataract surgery. Day of Surgery Cataract surgery is a out… Read More

How to find the best LASIK Surgeon
Looking for a good LASIK surgeon is easy. Referrals from friends and family members are a good start. Your optometrist or primary care provider is another reliable source. However, finding the best LASIK surgeon takes a little research. Don’t worry, we’re here to help. We’ve listed a couple of must-have requirements and what to look… Read More

Botox and Fillers: Which One is Right for You?
The popularity of Botox® and fillers has been on the rise for over a decade. Your friends have completed treatments and perhaps you’re ready to take the plunge but you’re a bit confused about the two injectables. They seem similar but botox and fillers treat areas of the face in a different way. In general,… Read More

Cataract Surgery: Which is the better lens, Multifocal or Monofocal?
Cataracts affect millions of people every year. More than 24 million people, age 40 or older, in the United States. The good news is that there is a cure, cataract surgery. Did you know that cataract surgery is one of the most common surgeries? While cataract surgery sounds intimidating and scary, cataract surgery is quick,… Read More

Happy Retirement to Drs. Arthur Allen & Everett Ai
We are sad to announce the retirement of Dr. Arthur Allen and Dr. Everett Ai. Both Drs. Allen and Ai have been an integral part of our practice for the last 50 years. It is difficult, if not impossible to sum up their achievements and contributions. Their hard work, commitment and dedication to Pacific Eye… Read More

Hydrus Microstent: Less is more By Dr. Scott C. So
While cataract alone reduces eye pressure, the addition of a Micro Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) can add even more pressure reduction. MIGS popularity has soared in the last five years, producing a 40 percent growth year over year. These procedures are just as safe as cataract surgery, and I would argue safer than cataract surgery… Read More

LASIK Procedures Increase During COVID-19
Did you know that LASIK procedures have significantly increased during the pandemic? The rise in LASIK and refractive surgery may surprise you but COVID-19 may be a good opportunity to achieve better vision. The American Academy of Ophthalmology suggests that the risk of COVID-19 transmission is low during LASIK surgery. Plus, the mechanics of the… Read More

Bay Area Wildfires: How to Protect your Eyes
While Bay Area residents become accustomed to wildfires every summer, the dark sky and orange sun on Wednesday morning was a immediate reminder for all that smoke can travel in the air for hundreds of miles. The past weekend’s thunder storm and extreme heat wave created wildfires in the region. Thanks to the fires the… Read More