
A Leader in Ophthalmology and Trusted Cosmetic Surgeon: Dr. Emily Sarah Charlson
Please welcome Dr. Charlson to our ophthalmology group. She is an oculofacial, orbital, and aesthetic plastic surgeon who holds both a Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy in medical science. She specializes in eyelid reconstruction, aesthetics, and preserving eye health. Dr. Charlson earned her Bachelor of Science in biology, graduating summa cum laude from… Read More

Cataract Surgery and COVID-19: Is it Safe?
Every year about 3 million Americans undergo cataract surgery. However, this year a lot of individuals are wondering whether or not cataract surgery is safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many individuals may be postponing their procedures to limit their exposure to COVID-19. However, cataract surgery is a decision that best made between you and your… Read More

Visiting your Doctor’s Office? 5 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Risk To COVID-19
As restrictions ease in San Francisco and throughout the Bay Area, many businesses are reopening again, including your doctor’s offices. A few weeks ago, finding a routine eye appointment was nearly impossible. Under the recommendations from national health organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Optometric Association (AOA), and the American… Read More

Telemedicine Visits are Effective: How to Get the Most out of your Virtual Visit
A couple of weeks ago, the Bay Area issued a “Shelter in Place” order which has helped flatten the curve. While people are staying at home, there are still many essential errands that lead us out of the house, such as doctor visits. Although COVID-19 may be in our community, regular injuries and inflammations still… Read More

5 Easy Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy
This Valentine’s Day, don’t take your eyes for granted! Your eyes are a hugely important organ and allow you to see the world around you, so what can you do to take care of them? Here are 5 easy ways to keep your eyes healthy. 1. Eating Well Fueling your body with the right foods… Read More

LASIK with LIN: Are You Ready?
If you’ve been contemplating whether or not to do LASIK, you’re not alone. If you’ve been in glasses and or contacts for most of your life, you’ve probably been curious about LASIK for a most of your life. So what’s holding you back? Maybe the cost is the issue? Perhaps you’re afraid of LASIK surgery? … Read More

Watery Eyes During Winter? 5 Ways to Fight Dry Eyes
Dry eyes are especially common in the winter months. The humidity drops and the air becomes cold and dry. When the air is outsides is cold and dry, the water in your eyes evaporates quicker, which makes your eyes feel dry and tight. Your body tries to compensate for the dryness by producing more tears…. Read More

Do You Have WET AMD? The FDA Approves a New Drug
We are excited to offer our patients a new treatment for wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Last month, the FDA approved Beovu® (brolucizumab) which is a new anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) antibody that may require few injections than the existing medications already on the market. This is the first new drug approved since 2011… Read More

Do you have Cataracts? New Technology to Help Improve Your Vision
What is PanOptix®? PanOptix is a new lens clinically shown to deliver an exceptional combination of near, intermediate, and distance vision while significantly reducing the need for glasses after surgery. In addition, the center of the AcrySof IQ PanOptix Trifocal IOL allows for better near (reading) vision and intermediate (computer work) vision. How Does PanOptix… Read More

Dr. David Heiden: 2018 Humanitarian Service Award
Dr. David Heiden received the 2018 Outstanding Humanitarian Service Award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology. He was nominated by Pacific Vision Foundation and Seva Foundation. Out of 32,000 members, only two physicians were selected for this honor. Dr. Heiden received the award in recognition of his work to bring state-of-the-art blindness prevention techniques to… Read More