Category: Age

What is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma affects about 200,000 individuals a year and some people may they have glaucoma and not even know it. Glaucoma is a condition that shows no symptoms. In the beginning stages, glaucoma does not affect your vision. You may be a glaucoma suspect for many years and may not need any kind of treatment or… Read More

Dry Eyes and Summertime
Long summer days are here. If you don’t live in foggy San Francisco, you’ve probably noticed that the suns lingers until about 9 pm. Longer days means more time outside. Whether your hiking or lounging by the pool, it’s important to hydrate. Summertime also means trips and vacations. But all this time in the sun,… Read More

Need Cataract Surgery? This is Good News.
The word cataract may sound foreign to you and perhaps a bit scary even because the word, surgery, usually follows this word. However, we assure you that cataracts are not a scary disease. In fact, this surgery may improve your vision and lifestyle. Before we dive into surgery side, let’s chat about what is exactly… Read More

What’s the Best Age for LASIK?
If you Google this question, Google will simply say that the perfect candidate for LASIK is someone between the ages of 20 and 40. One can even opt for LASIK at the age of 18, but most doctors will encourage you to wait until their mid-20’s. Why? Generally, a good candidate is someone who has… Read More