Category: Contact Lenses

Ready for LASIK? We can Help
LASIK is a wonderful procedure that can greatly improve your quality of life. However, there are many factors that your doctor should look for during your LASIK consultation to determine whether or not you’re a good candidate. LASIK, similar to any other surgeries have risks, so LASIK surgery shouldn’t be completed unless there is an… Read More

Hubble Contacts, Too Good to Be True?
We’ve all heard of the saying, “When something is too good to be true, it probably is”. Hubble, a direct-to-consumer start-up, cuts out the middle man and offers cheaper contact lenses right to your door. For only $36 per month and a $3 shipping and handling fee, you can have a month-long supply of subscription… Read More

Steph Curry Is Ready For Play-Offs Due To His Contact Lenses!
If you haven’t heard the news about Stephen Curry. Here it is, he’s has been playing basketball this whole time with blurry vision! We know, it’s a bit unbelievable. He’s already an amazing shooter. Steph’s shooting at a 48.7% from the 3 point line since mid-March and has hit five plus 3 pointers in 9… Read More

The Cure for Dry Eyes: And No, it’s Not Eye Drops
Do you suffer from dry eyes? Or perhaps you suffer from dry eyes and may not even know it. Staring at your smartphone too hard, or perhaps you’re spending hours in front of a computer screen, TV or tablet. But, all that screen time means you’re squinting more and blinking less. Additionally, contact lenses can potentially… Read More

Ready for the Next Earthquake? Remember your contacts lenses, solutions and eyeglasses!
Earthquake! Are you prepared? In the Bay Area, we are prone to earthquakes. Just last week, there were two(!) 3.4 quakes in Berkeley. While a 3.4 is classified as minor on the magnitude scale, the quake was still felt throughout the Bay Area. Today’s Self-Care Challenge is to set up a disaster kit and prepare yourself… Read More

3 Things People Without Contacts Just Don’t Understand
Life with contacts can be rough. Something as seemingly insignificant as a spare eyelash can throw off your whole day, or an overly dry contact can pop out and render you half blind until further notice. People who wear contacts on a daily basis know that the struggle is real. I should know, I am… Read More

5 Reasons Your Inner Athlete wants Better Vision
The Golden State Warriors just won the Finals. You want to be apart of the dream team, but the only thing standing in the way is your vision. Ok, maybe you’re not the next Steph Curry or even the G-League worthy but if you’re still frustrated with contacts and glasses, then there’s a solution. Your… Read More