Category: Eye Protection

Visiting your Doctor’s Office? 5 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Risk To COVID-19
As restrictions ease in San Francisco and throughout the Bay Area, many businesses are reopening again, including your doctor’s offices. A few weeks ago, finding a routine eye appointment was nearly impossible. Under the recommendations from national health organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Optometric Association (AOA), and the American… Read More

Watery Eyes During Winter? 5 Ways to Fight Dry Eyes
Dry eyes are especially common in the winter months. The humidity drops and the air becomes cold and dry. When the air is outsides is cold and dry, the water in your eyes evaporates quicker, which makes your eyes feel dry and tight. Your body tries to compensate for the dryness by producing more tears…. Read More

February: Football & Age-related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month!
Welcome to February. The new month may mean different things for different people. For all the sports fanatics, the first Sunday of the month means the Super Bowl! The New England Patriots are in the finals again. In Super Bowl 53, Tom Brady is facing off against the young Ram Jared Goff in Atlanta. Or,… Read More

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month: Why Should I Care?
January signals a fresh start with new resolutions. A better and improved you. For us, at Pacific Eye Associates we would like to remind you that January is Glaucoma Awareness Month! Many of you are probably thinking what is Glaucoma? Or maybe a few of you have loved ones who have Glaucoma and may know… Read More

New Year’s Resolutions: 3 Easy Ways To Take Better Care of your Eyes!
Happy 2019! Eyes are a very important organ that is largely forgotten about by many individuals. We use our eyes from the moment we wake up to the moment we close them again to sleep. And while the Netflix movie, Bird Box, suggests that we don’t need our eyes or perhaps the movie reinforces the… Read More

Happy New Year! Why Champagne and Eyes Don’t Mix Well Together
Happy New Year! If you love the holidays, it’s likely you have big plans to ring in the new year. It’s a special time to get together with family, friends, and loved ones. To celebrate the start of new beginnings and healthful resolutions. But New Year Eve celebrations also lead to injuries. It’s easy to… Read More

Eating More in Winter? You’re Not Alone
I swear I find myself eating more now that it’s winter. I blame my constant snacking on the cold, shorter daylight hours, basically anything and everything other than myself. As it turns out, people do have a subconscious urge to over-eat, especially in winter. (Thank you internet!) There are a couple of reasons that drive us… Read More

Reminder: Spend that FSA Cash!
The end of the year is always quite hectic for me. From adding things to my shopping cart to year-end reviews I most certainly feel overwhelmed. Then, usually, as I am drifting off to dream about sugar plum fairies, I remember I have money in my FSA account! As a reminder, the funds in your FSA… Read More

5 Different Ways to Protect your Eye this Fall
For San Franciscans, we know that October is our month! October is when the sun finally comes out and kicks out the fog (Bye Karl!). Then, for the rest of the world, October also means cooler temperatures. In this blog, we’ve provided some helpful tips to keep your eyes safe, whether you reside in SF… Read More

Fleet Week is Here: Remember those Sunglasses
It’s October and it’s Fleet Week. The Blue Angels are back in town. Click for the Blue Angels Flying Schedule (you’re welcome). It’s hard to concentrate when the roaring of jet engines are blasting above your head, so you toss your papers to the ground and head outside. If you can’t ignore the noise, why… Read More