2100 Webster St #214, San Francisco, CA 94115
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Glaucoma Awareness Month: An Interview with One of Our Best Doctor, Dr. Scott So

In last week blog, we wrote about Glaucoma.  What this disease is, reasons why you should care, and ways you can do to prevent Glaucoma.  In this week’s blog, we’re going to highlight other fun facts (or perhaps we should say not so fun facts).  Along with an interview with our Glaucoma Surgeon and Specialist, Dr. Scott C. So

Glaucoma…The Misunderstood Disease

Often, people don’t realize the severity or who is affected.  Glaucoma is sometimes referred to as the silent thief of sight because there are no symptoms in the beginning.  Individuals may experience blurred vision, the pressure inside the eye can rise to severe levels.  In some cases, sudden eye pain may occur, headaches, blurred vision or experience the appearance of halos.  If you do experience any of these symptoms, make an appointment with us immediately.  Even if the diagnosis isn’t Glaucoma, these symptoms may cause vision loss.

Interview with Dr. So

Pacific Eye Associates:  Dr. So, thank you for taking the time to meet with us. Why did you choose glaucoma as your special area of interest?

Dr. Scott So: Glaucoma is a condition that affects many members of my own immediate family across generations.  This personal experience moved me to study the condition and to help others with Glaucoma.

PEA: How did you become a glaucoma surgeon?

Dr. So: I’ve had the pleasure of living in several regions of the country.  For my undergraduate and medical school, I attended Tufts University, a school in Boston.  Then I completed my internship in Family Medicine at Lawrence Memorial Hospital, which is just outside of Boston.  After 10 long winters, I decided I had enough of the snow and traveled southwest to Dallas, TX.  In Dallas, I completed a rigorous 3-year Ophthalmology residency at Parkland Memorial Hospital. Then I was delighted that I was accepted for a coveted glaucoma fellowship at Jules Stein Eye Institute in UCLA.  Since I am a Los Angeles native, I was excited to return home for the final part of my studies.

PEA: When you’re not busy seeing patients, what else do you like to do?

Dr. So: I like to travel and try new restaurants.  Over Thanksgiving, my wife and I flew to Copenhagen to go to our favorite restaurant, Noma.  The food is delicious and they just remodel.  Very pretty in aesthetics as well.

PEA: Any final words for our patients and readers?

Dr.  So: Yes, please get your eyes checked by a doctor annually and this doesn’t have to me!  It could be an optometrist in our clinic or any optometrists in your area.  Even if you have 20/20 vision.  Annual health checkup for your eyes is the only way to screen for any eye diseases.  Don’t wait until something is wrong because preventative care is very important.

A big thank you to Dr. So.  He’s a doctor who is very passionate about Glaucoma.  He is understanding and takes the time to explain his findings and concerns.  Please visit HealthGrades if you would like to read what his patients have to say about him.  If you would like to make an appointment with Dr. So, contact us today by Requesting an appointment or call us: 415-923-3007.

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2100 Webster St, San Francisco, CA 94115